Relaxing Holiday Season and a Good Start into 2023!
Starting tomorrow we will celebrate the festival of love again.
Read more … Relaxing Holiday Season and a Good Start into 2023!
Just in time for the end of the year, the Global DiVision website has been given a new look.
In line with mobile structures and modern requirements, we have revised our website.
Fewer Working Hours Equals Greater Productivity
One extra day off per week impacts positively on our well-being, delivers the required work-life balance, reduces our stress levels, and increases motivation. Very few of us would, however, believe that our work output would remain the same or even increase if we worked 30 instead of 37.5 hours a week.
When The Bonus Causes Illness
Nobody really bet on this: Actually, it was exactly the sickness rates that should have been reduced through bonus payments, which according to the objectives are supposedly no longer a problem. First of all, Global DiVision had to clarify with its customer why more and more employees were causing production outages with him of all things.
New Knowledge for Old Hands
There are an endless number of textbooks, theses and opinions on the perfect sales method but the customer from Austria doesn’t want them. “Please, no standards and no generalities,” was the requirement that he wrote on top of his request.
Career 2.0
Start apprenticeship, climb the career ladder rung by rung for your whole working life, and finally retire with a golden pocket watch” that was the reality of the 1950s and 60s. “You can now forget this completely,” says Dr. Monika V. Kronbügel (PhD.). In the opinion of the CEO von Global DiVision, the dream of promotion from the former nuclear age disappeared into the history books even in the last century.
Fill Up with Knowledge
Global DiVision has started a collaboration with the next oil company focusing on cross cultural competencies. The European organization is hiring foreign employees at their headquarters where they are being trained on leadership and cross cultural and cross functional strategies. They call this process “Inpatriate”.
Human Resources, Your Talent Scout
The days when someone began a career right after school and followed a dead straight line from graduate to head of a department is history. But, how can HR managers in the company recognize the best junior talent? “It is not that difficult,” says Dr. Monika V. Kronbügel (PhD.), CEO of Global DiVision.