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Productivity shared is Productivity doubled

What price would employees pay for more free time and more freedom? The question went to a team of a well-known publisher where the distribution of certain positions to two persons each appeared to have led to higher efficiency and solution-oriented actions. Should the model, which was originally intended for young mothers, also be applied in other parts of the company independent of gender, age and position?

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What techniques do I have to implement in order to motivate employees, and how can I convey personal knowledge or knowledge existing in the company to a third party? Whoever masters these tools and can train them is usually a well-paid specialist with a service for which there are more and more customers. But is that also affordable to companies where teams are spread out over many locations and perhaps even abroad?

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Agile Working – A Guide

Considering the huge technical advances of the last 20 years and corresponding changes to our daily working lives, it is surprising how little the organizational and hierarchical structures of most companies have changed. In fact, many of them still have the same structures as in the era of the shorthand pad, telex and typewriter.

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The Right Approach for Every Personality in the Office

Is it possible to reduce the number of illnesses in a wholesale and foreign trade company by an amazing twelve percent within 18 months? “It is; and it is very simple,” says Dr. Monika V. Kronbügel (PhD.), CEO of Global DiVision.

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The Small Difference

Men and women are different. Whether the difference is large or small is a matter for academics and probably also secondary. If, however, women are paid less for doing the same job as men – simply because they are women – then a small difference becomes a huge injustice.

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Must a Conductor Be Able to Play the Violin?

Can it be that almost any shepherd can manage better than a manager? “Yes,” says Dr. Monika V. Kronbügel (PhD.). The CEO of Global DiVision knows that the era of technical experts is coming to a close. The ones who know their products and production systems don’t necessarily have the required basic knowledge when it comes to the area of employee management and social skills.

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Management by Walking Around: Monkeys, Moles, and All Kinds of Stumbling Blocks

Management by Walking Around (MBWA) refers to a style of business management that involves the boss leaving his/her customary habitat and embarking on the adventure of walking around the company and engaging directly with his/her employees.

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Order is Essential

How was it again, that somebody had to keep watch over a sack of fleas? Global DiVision slipped into the unusual role of providing consulting services to consultants and establishing rules as to how to keep an eye on mobile employees: "The job came from an internationally positioned management consultant," Dr. Monika V. Kronbügel (PhD.) reports. And what her ...

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